Osgrid | Simulators

 Before starting there are a few things to be aware of : 

First this grid is not a production level grid, there are no assurances of stability or that your assets will be secure or that they will not at some point be purged. We will however do our best to avoid these circumstances.
Second be aware that when you shut your region down it is purged from the database and your position will become available for anyone who wishes to take it, so please note that if your region is shut down properly that the square you populate is fair game, we will however do our best to settle region location disputes but it is not our responsibility to ensure you keep your location.
Third thing you need to be aware of is that regions that do not respond for more than 24 hours are at risk of being purged by an admin or automated system, consideration will be given for special cases but there are no guarantees that repeat offenders will continue to be given consideration, It is your responsibility to keep your regions running and updated not the responsibility of OSgrid or any of its volunteer staff. All that said, OSgrid will do its best to make accommodations for all of its citizens.
We would very much like to hear your feedback and suggestions on how the grid can be made a better place for all of its wonderful citizens. We do hope you enjoy being a part of what we have all worked so hard on. If you have any questions please visit us on #osgrid channel on irc.freenode.net or post in the forums.
Thank you and good luck to you all!

 Connecting a Simulator 


For this tutorial page i'm going to assume I am Joe Smith and want to add a region to OSgrid.
Here is my machine example information I will be referencing.

* User Name: Your Name
* Server IP:
* Region Name I Want: TestLandia (Enter the name you want in terminal )
* Estate Name I Want: TestLandia Corp (Enter the name estate you want in terminal )
* RegionLocation I want: (10150,10149)
* Port 9000

 User Registration 

If you do not have a User Account for OSgrid, please sign up for one now by selecting "Join Now" on the menu above.

 Your Current IP Address

 Region Location Selection 

Use the following links to find a suitable region location for your simulators.
Main Map : Click for the open coordinates with grid map
Quick Map : Click for the open coordinates listings
Open Coordinate you may use : 10150,10149


Complete OpenSimulator documentation available here.


Please note that if you are downloading the current OSgrid Release from the downloads page, this is all done for you already, and you
may skip to the "Starting Up OpenSimulator" section below. This is merely provided for reference to help you better understand our setup.
Here is a copy of the .ini files you will need to connect to OSgrid.
click here to view the OSgrid OpenSim.ini (/bin/OpenSim.ini osgrid.org example)
click here to view the OSgrid GridCommon.ini (/bin/config-include/GridCommon.ini osgrid.org example)
click here to view the OSgrid FlotsamCache.ini (/bin/config-include/FlotsamCache.ini osgrid.org example)
Now run OpenSim.exe and it should begin asking you a number of questions about the first Region you want to set up. See questions and example responses below:

New region name [ ]: TestLandia <hit enter>
Region UUID [0980d6bc-2586-423d-ab26-d5428e5cd83a]: <hit enter>
Region Location [1000,1000]: (enter valid coordinates here) <hit enter>
Internal IP address []: <hit enter>
Internal port [9000]: <hit enter>
Allow alternate ports [False]: <hit enter>
External host name [SYSTEMIP]: (your external address or ip) <hit enter>
Your region is not part of an estate. Do you wish to join an existing estate? [no]: <hit enter> New estate name [My Estate]: TestLandia Corp. <hit enter>
Estate owner first name [Test]: Joe <hit enter>
Estate owner last name [User]: Smith <hit enter>

 Example Region Configuration 

Here is a Regions.ini configuration just for reference, note, these are generated when you first run OpenSimulator with no regions yet defined: /bin/Regions/Regions.ini (opensimulator example)
click here to view the OSgrid Regions.ini
**Be sure to check the region list and map for open regions before starting your server.
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